Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Are you not satisfied with your order? We think that is a shame, we would like to hear what we could do to satisfy you.

You can return your order up to 30 days. The return costs are partly for the customer and can be paid when creating a return label. There are multiple return options available with a price starting from €3.97 / €4.97. We ensure that the paid amount of your order is in your account within 10 working days after receipt of the return shipment.

Easy returns in 3 simple steps

Step 1Request a return label.

You can request a return label via the link below and indicate the reason for it. You can then download a return label after paying the return costs. For certain reasons, we must first approve the return before you can download the return label.

Step 2Send your order.

Please return the items to the address on the return label.

Step 3Receive the amount due in your bank account.

Once we have received the package, we will ensure that the amount due is returned to your bank account within 10 working days.

If you have a question about the return process, you can send an email to or fill out the contact form.